Wednesday, February 27, 2008


We awoke to drizzle this morning. After 2+ weeks of gorgeous weather and the threat of the weatherman's forecast of clouds and rain, it happened. Lately we've taken advantage of the sunny days and the fact that Mabel is easily lulled off to sleep in the BABYBJÖRN while I walk next to E on her bike.

Of course there was no short of activity under our roof with a 12-week-old and a doting 3-year-old on this wet morning. We sang songs, read books, changed diapers, fed bottles and while the little one dozed, E and I pulled out the board games. Connect-4 (I was relieved) was her first choice. She has a wide selection to choose from, and it's the one I favor as you actually have to use skill and strategy, instead of the 'luck-of-the-draw' ones like Candy Land, Hungry Hungry Hippo's, or Hi-Ho Cherry-O.

I've been working hard on using the short nap times to re-connect with E instead of hurrying to empty the dishwasher, or fold laundry. When caring for a 3-month-old there's so much to juggle, and all too often E just feels under foot. We must have gotten 4 or 5 rounds in before we heard the shaky yelps from the back room, but it was just what we needed to get back to the basics.

*Play online here


  1. i love those pics! i just bought a travel size connect 4, and we like it too. i loved that game as a kid.

  2. I loved connect-4 too, that and all the other games that were previously mentioned actually (i only ever got to play them at friend's houses, for some reason my family wasn't into games).

  3. noah loves the travel one you gave him :)

  4. We play a lot of connect-4 around here too. Wilson loves it. one of the few things still made in the USA!
