Sunday, May 27, 2007

Miss Potter

If you haven't seen this movie, you should (For you Washingtonians, it's now at the Crest, $3). It is sweet, sad, and magical. And for heaven's sake, Ewan McGregor, c'mon!

I felt especially endeared to this film, having owned and been told these tales from a very young age. My mom held a certain reverence for these works. Each tiny hardback was couriered from London to our home in Seattle by my Aunt Sue, a stewardess at the time. Although the covers were mismatched, we soon owned a complete set. And it wasn't even a question as to what we should christen our childhood pet rabbit; Beatrix Potter, of course. And you can bet that these stories now grace Ellanor's shelves.

You can imagine my delight while I was in London a few years back, I was lucky enough to stumble onto a 100 year anniversary display in the Royal Library featuring her works and illustrations. Here is a meager photo, as I owned a used, first generation, digital camera back then.


  1. oh, i hope i get to catch it while it's at the crest. as a little girl growing up in england, beatrix potter was a given, a must-read, and we didn't balk at the long stories. i just loved the tale of naughty squirrel nutkin!

  2. can i just say that i love when you say, "for heaven's sake!" when you get excited! :)

    i love that beatrix potter is something special your mom shared with you, and that you will now share with ella. what is a favorite that you think the boys might enjoy from our next library visit?

  3. hmmm, total flashback to great times. was it harrod's children's book store section that had all the cute peter rabbit stuff? well wherever it was, all i remember is that you were like a kid in a candy shop with all the beatrix potter special anniversary editions and the roald dahl books to boot! anyway you're the second person to have rave reviews about this movie so its going on my netflix today...
