This evening E and I made multiple stops around the city. Running errands is one of my least favorite part about my day, but our cheerful conversations usually perk me up, and the time passes quickly. One such conversation started in the parking lot of our local Fred Meyer (kind of like a Target only with actual groceries). On our way out of the store I noticed one of the employee's rounding up the carts near our car, and looking upward into the tree that we had parked next to. As we reached the car it was obvious as to what had captured his attention, a beautiful bird song. There was the most beautiful song coming from the branches, enchanting. It almost sounded fake. I put our bags in the car and brought E over to see if we could spot it. Nope. As I strapped her into her
car seat, I told her that I would look again and describe it to her if I found it. As I approached my side of the car I did see it, small like a sparrow and gray with black spots and a pink belly. As I climbed in this is the conversation that ensued:
me "I did see it, it's gray and black with a pink belly, and it's just singing away!"
E "Oh, because she found her mama!"
me "Oh, that's a nice thought, I guess I like to sing when I see my mama too"
E "Yeah"
me "Do you remember who my mama and daddy are?"
E thinking for a bit "Who are they?"
me "Gram and Papa, right? and who are Daddy's mama and daddy?"
E "Who are those guys?"
me "Grandma and Grandpa."
E "Oh, I love all those guys!"