the journal of a stay-at-home mom;
the things that fill my days...
Friday, December 18, 2009
Whew! What a Day!
As the previous post would indicate, we had a v-e-r-y busy day. But it was fun and pretty much went off without a hitch, there were even some very sweet and quiet moments thrown in there too. We started off with a long overdue hair cut for E (been meaning to get her in since before school started). Then it was off to wait in the line for 'Ol St. Nick. While we were waiting E delighted N to no end (this is the beautiful thing that comes with having your kids 4 1/2 years apart - entertainment). The pictures were great, and N only started crying after the shots were done. Afterward, I broke it to E that next she and I were to have a super-date, and we were heading downtown to watch a really famous dance group. She and I were oh-so excited! We had excellent seats, and the high-kicks those gals do were just as exciting in person as they were when I first saw them in Annie. D and N were waiting for us as we left the Paramount just in time to drive to the Fisher Pavilion for E's first time ice skating, and a couple trip's 'round the carousel.
super precious pics! so glad you guys are sneaking in such nice family time.