Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Perfect Morning

5am, Even though the sun isn't up it's comfortably warm already when I let the chickens out, the birds are singing
5:05am Snuggling back in bed with E
7:15am The sun is up and streaming through the windows, N wanders in asking for his banana
7:20am Turning on the sprinklers to water the garden
7:25am Feeding Molly, shuffling around the kitchen and drinking coffee, opening windows and the sliding glass door
8:00 E wanders down the hall, breakfast then strait outside
8:45 hanging laundry on the line

The rest of my day should look a lot like:

Eat popsicles we poured last night, drink iced tea I steeped last night, tearing off the rest of the carpet on the stairs, work in the garden and a nap...more like a perfect day.


  1. sounds a lot like our morning, except it's lux and not chickens getting us up at 5am!
    really missing mornings at the bazan homestead.

  2. I miss the Bazan homestead, too. Sigh.
