Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Take a Walk in My Shoes

In Lake Chelan N took these first real steps! He's been so apprehensive, but he's now taking the bull by the horns and diving head first into each attempt...and we have the war wounds to prove it. E was so excited with this first pass between the hearth and coffee table...cannot believe I got it on tape!


  1. SO happy you got in on film! HOOORAY N!!!

  2. Yay, Nils!! Great job catching that on film :) It is so sweet to see El so excited for him :)

  3. Wait...I thought you guys were camping. Did you opt for a rental this year?

  4. My parent's scored a condo due to a last minute cancelation, so we jumped at the chance to have AC and a bathroom that doesn't have coin operated showers. It's been a nice change.

  5. Way to go N and big sister E for your encouragement! This is so sweet and exciting to see! I can't wait to witness O and his little sister in the same scenario. Love to you guys!

  6. yippeee nils!! he didn't really look like he knew what he just accomplished. i think everyone else was more excited than he was :)
