The weather was in classic Spring form, literally changing every 10 minutes from gray downpour to warm springy breezes and back again. I threw the kids and a few snacks in the car, grabbed a coffee before I got in line down at the ferry dock for N's first ferry ride (he loved watching the birds soar & dive and feeling of that wind in his face). Then I piled everyone back into the van and drove about another hour on the other side to see our friends in Port Townsend. But not before the moment when I drove off the ferry and the thought crossed my mind that; "Hmmm, I kinda missed this place."
I admit it everyone, it took
5 years, but
yes, I did have a twinge of nostalgia for this place we called home for 3 years. When we packed up E, who was only 11 months old at the time and moved back from the peninsula I never looked back, and would in fact balk whenever anyone foolishly asked me if I missed it. Sure that place has some good memories, memories with people we already knew and loved before transplanting there. But much of that past life is better left behind,
far behind. I'm glad to be back where we are now I have a vast network for support while D is gone, and I know this place like the back of my hand,
it is home.
It is nice for a day and I did really enjoy our brief visit today. And herein lies the aforementioned exception to the rule; Lisa &
Brian. They have been part of our life for at least 15 years or so, and these get-togethers always prove to be effortless and a comfortable ease. E spent the better part of the afternoon playing outside with Henry & Jess (their dog) while, N hung out on the floor with Oliver, and Lisa and I chatted. During our lunch I mentioned that E was really enjoying
the Miss Piggle-Wiggle series by Betty MacDonald. Lisa told us that Betty MacDonald used to live not too far from them and there was a road on the way in named for
another of her famous we found it on our way home. Thank you Olson's, what nice way to spend our day.
* I love this last one of N laughing in the wind, he looks so much like his dad when he was younger.