Friday, December 5, 2008


You'll have to pardon the commercial here. Fish oil, specifically cod liver oil; yuck right? Not anymore, this stuff is amazing! Not a single fishy smell, taste or burp. I went looking for the stuff at my midwife's request and as luck would have it, they were doing a demo right there in the aisle of our local PCC. I tried it, E tried it and we both agreed - yum. Try it for free, order your sample here!

Here are a few Health Pregnancy/Early Life Benefits my midwife handed me:
  • Taking fish oil in pregnancy may decrease allergies in infants who are born to women with a history or hay fever or asthma
  • Low levels of DHA are associated with increased risk of postpartum depression
  • Breastfeeding babies whose mothers supplement with DHA score higher on developmental tests
  • Babies of mothers with high DHA levels are better sleepers
  • Taking cod liver oil during the first year of life decreases a child's chance of developing Type 1 diabetes
  • For children with dyslexia and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, taking fish oil results in improved reading, spelling and behavior
Here's the entire article:
Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Pregnancy and Parenting


  1. Awesome! I take the omega-3 capsule thingies but there's nothing worse than a fishy burp. My coworkers and I actually commiserate about this so I'll tell them about this stuff.

  2. so glad you have such a resourceful midwife! thanks for posting this... i used to take fish oil, and haven't for a while. now, i am going to start up again :)

  3. Thanks for the link to the free sample!
    I sneak flax seed oil w/ omega-3 into smoothies & under salad dressing.
    This stuff sounds like something I won't have to sneak into anything. ; )

    Merry Christmas!
