Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Debuting This Spring...

Well, we just can't keep it to ourselves any longer...the following is a copy of a letter I sent out to a few family members recently. If you didn't already know, it's probably because you haven't seen me in person as of late (belly and all).

SO excited to announce that we're finally pregnant again! I've been struggling with thyroid issues for quite some time, which prevented us from conceiving, but now that it's under control we're on our way to a bigger family! With our recent loss this last June we were left a little hesitant to try again, wondering if we should just be content with our 3-person family, and not wanting to face that kind of heartache again. But with the go-ahead from all my doctor's we're glad we jumped in with both feet! E's so excited to be a big sister and is constantly asking to talk to the baby...a few weeks ago she looked up at me after saying good morning to the baby (which usually goes something like "Good morning baby, this is big sister E. I can't wait to meet you when you come out of my Mama's belly. I hope you grow good.") and said "Mama, your belly button is like a microphone to the baby." and her most recent sing-song comment to me has been "I see your belly's getting bigger!" And she comes up with name suggestions constantly.

So, my folks will have welcomed 3 new grandbabies into the world all in the span of 1 year, wow!

We welcome any and all prayers and well-wishes, as we're still a bit cautious about the whole thing.

Interesting fact: We lost our last little baby on June 2nd 2008, and our due date for this one is June 2nd 2009! Kind of redeems that date in our minds.

So, now you know why posting has been few and far between. I'm finally in my second trimester, and feeling much better, so hopefully we're on the upswing for the holiday's.


  1. HUGE CONGRATS! chris had mentioned it to me, so i've been praying! funny how god turns around those hard times into good ones (the date!) we had a similar experience! rest well, eat well, and enjoy! xox

  2. yay! very cute post. E is gonna be a great sister!

  3. ann, we can't begin to tell you how excited we are for you! can't wait to meet the new baby, who is bound to be as amazing as the rest of your wonderful family! you are in my thoughts and prayers, my friend xo.

  4. Congrats from the Stricklands (Mike and Kim and girls)!! We are excited to have some more cousins! :) So happy for you and can't wait to see you guys soon!

  5. Ann,
    Your post gave me goosebumps! What wonderful news!!! Congratulations and prayers for a very happy and healthy pregnancy!!

  6. congratulations ann krestene! such happy news!

  7. yay!! Congratulations Anne-Krestene that is just the best news! May you continue to feel good and enjoy this special time!

  8. Congrats to the whole family! I just told Mark the news, and he got a big smile on his face. I haven't checked in on your blog recently, so I was so excited to come across the news.
