Friday, December 19, 2008

Cali-zona Christmas

Well, we've traded pines for palms and snow for sun this week. I can't deny the relief I had when our plane got off the ground relatively on time, knowing full well there was snow, snow, snow falling on our house. We experienced the cold and flakes for a week or so and now moved onto, well, California, and soon Arizona.

It's been a little bit hard to relax, I have to re-learn this every time we travel south. I feel like there's something I need to be doing. When all there really is, is waking up late, drinking coffee, watching movies, taking walks around the lake, napping, reading, messin' around on the computer, and eating. Not too bad really, I just take a while to come down..."What, no laundry to do? No chauffeuring to do? No, nothing unless I want to?" I did though, take advantage of the downtime yesterday and finished all my Christmas cards, so look for your in the mail soon.

Well, that's it for now. I don't really have any photo's for you unless you count this one; a shot of our receipt at In-N-Out last night. We l-o-v-e that place and it tastes good every time, every time.


  1. ugh!
    Our flight has already been delayed twice...and we have (had) a layover in Chicago that we will surely miss...Michigan! Why couldn't it be California?!
    I fear we won't make it to Michigan until tomorrow afternoon.

  2. i was thinking about you guys this morning, and crossing my fingers for you. bummer. is trey feeling better? anyone else fighting the flu?

  3. try to enjoy your vacation and your down-time... you deserve it!!

  4. So nice to be at your in-law's where you can just hang out! So jealous of In N Out. My favorite restaurant ever. David's plane got halfway to Reno last night and then had to turn around cause of turbulence there. Then back in Seattle he had an adventure getting back on the bus with 400 other stranded passengers in the snow...he wrote something funny about it, I'll send it to you. xo

  5. ..have a wonderful time! enjoy your time to relax...
    i bet E is missin' that drum set though!
