Monday, September 1, 2008

Congratualtions Caller!

Congratulations caller, you may have already won! When you placed your call this morning at 5:06AM to our home you may have secured your place in my heart as the most loathed super-fan! You cunningly called when we were off our game: Imagine an unsuspecting family catching up on their sleep and you got us! Not only that, you win extra points for disturbing the 2 other children we had under our roof for a sleep-over! Nothing could distract you; not the early hour, not my husbands panicked and sleepy voice as he answered phone thinking someone was on their way to the hospital, you peppered him with questions in his bewildered state. Nope, not even the thought that calling your hero to discuss his music AT HIS HOUSE IS TOTALLY INAPPROPRIATE!

You win caller! Your prize package includes:
  • an earful from said hero's wife before hanging up on you
  • having our number changed
  • instilling fear in the heart of his wife
  • a certificate that proves you are an idiot

Please send your phone number so we can harass you in the middle of the night, and your address to receive your certificate!


  1. Sorry about that, I was just filled with extreme curiosity at 5 am and needed to know answers to my specific music questions! I will be happy to claim my certificate though. Maybe over cupcakes? xo

  2. OH MAN! I'm so sorry that happened to you! People have no respect for other people's privacy!

  3. oh, ann. i am so sorry. people are so lame sometimes. and creepy, apparently. i'm sending you all of my warmest and most calming thoughts. xoxox

  4. i guess i should take your home phone number off the front of dave's website?
