Thursday, June 21, 2007

El in Review (2)

- She has taken to the water like a fish. Like her Mama before her she loves Swimming Lessons! We take the class together in our local outdoor pool, there's only 3 parent/tot couples and she has learned so much already! She kicks, paddles, blows bubbles, jumps to me off the edge, and even willingly let me submerge her today. Big stuff for a little one, and in only 4 lessons so far.

-She makes up songs. Dave of course loves this. She sings about anything, there are a couple lines and then she makes up an ending. Today's ditty went something like:

"I love you everytime,
I love you this time,
I love you everytime and this time."

-She has also been making stories up, and when I say stories I mean I usually respond with "Well, that sounds like an interesting story, was that the truth?" What's great is that she will respond with "Yes, it's a story," or "I telled you the truth." She knows that difference, very exciting milestone.

-She's using scissors.

-Her imagination is taking off, she usually pretends one of her stuffed animals is sick, and takes care of them.

-Still says "mu-ze-zum" for museum, love it!

-She'd still rather watch a Wiggles video than any other because of Taptin (or Captain Feathersword). She exclaims "He's larious (hilarious) Mama," or "It's a riot!"

-She's excited about flowers, "Ahwww, they're growing up Mama."

-We play 'Think of an Animal' in the car. When I describe an animal and she guesses based on the clues. Now she wants to describe an animal, usually this leaves me very frustrated because the clues will go something like:

"My animal has no stripes, and no ears, and no legs, and no neck, it's brown and white, and eats fish and has no eyes..." Geeeeze...

-She's starting to grasp the concept of board games, we play Candyland sort of, and we play Memory sort of, and Hi-Ho Cherry-O, sort of. She does understand the concept of taking turns though, which is great.

-She for the most part dresses and undresses herself

-She can use the potty without assistance, although still working on the toilet paper amount. She'll tear off the teeniest corner and attempt to clean-up, I've instilled a 5 square rule.

-She checks her e-mail. This is us opening up Word, changing the font size to HUGE and all capitals and let her type away, she knows all her letters!

-Really has nailed the "Excuse me Mama," when addressing me, and "May I," if asking for something. Very proud of her when she speaks in public.

-in case



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