Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Very Best Present a Girl Could Ask For

D drove all the way from Salt Lake City yesterday to be with me on my birthday today, what a guy.


  1. Happy birthday ann! that is a wonderful prestent indeed! haha!
    i'm so glad he could be home with you today!
    see you soon! xxo

  2. So good!
    What a happy family photo...looks like a good one for the Christmas cards...just sayin'.

  3. Yay! I am SO happy Dave made it home in time to be with you on your birthday! What a gorgeous family photo xoxo.

    Happy happy birthday, my friend.
    love you and miss you

  4. Happy birthday Ann! You guys all look so happy. xoxo

  5. Looks like you had a great day!!! The family picture looks great too.....lots of big smiles.
