Tuesday, May 26, 2009

39 and Holding

1 week until due date, which I realize means absolutely nothing!


We're getting closer...right?


Sometimes I just think he'll stay in there forever. I keep stocking up on groceries thinking that we'll need a little reserve for when we're just hanging out and getting to know our new little one, but slowly everything is eaten up and I'm off to waddle down the aisles again.

We did, though, settle on a name this last week (in the 11th hour...). And that's a relief. Because I usually refer to each member of our family with a capitol letter only, he'll be 'N' from now on.


  1. hang in there!! the last few days seem to go on forever, but you'll be holding your little babe before you know it :)

  2. Hmmmm, N would not be short for Cody. I'm stumped!
