Sunday, March 22, 2009

Weekend of Sweet Treats

So not everything sweet consists of sugar, right?

(E: 4 1/2, L: 8 mos.)

We had a lovely end to our week with family and friends, and some sugar thrown in for good measure. Auntie Karlee and Laila spent most of Thursday with us cheering E on in her final gymnastics class of the session, which was rewarded with a trip to Trophy Cupcakes!


(vanilla vanilla w/a blue parasol)

We're also trying to break up the monotony at home with D gone (it's my experience that the busier I stay, the quicker time passes) and were invited to spend Friday night over at the Many's. Jen and I got in a real girl's night out, while the kids played and watched a movie with a sitter. Later in the day on Saturday E and I met up with all of them for pizza and a trip to Molly Moon's for ice cream. The line snaked all around the store and out the door (on a chilly March evening no less), but our patience was rewarded with sinfully delicious scoops of salted carmel, coconut chunk, and blood orange sorbet.

(outside looking in)


  1. That all sounds like such fun! Boy, I sure miss girl's night out with you and Jen! Just love all the pictures :)

  2. Also, I had been meaning to ask you to post a pic of Laila... such a cutie!!!

    Hope you're doing okay while dave's away. Let's chat soon!

  3. Such a nice weekend. I can't wait to take Trey back to Molly Moon.
