Monday, October 4, 2010

Tie One On

So, if you're the proud owner of what most little girls consider to be the most awesome shoes gotta learn to tie 'em up.  She did it!  We've been practicing on and off this summer, but what with the Velcro and slip-on versions of summer foot apparel there wasn't much of a push to get the job done.  But her Gram & Papa bestowed on her for her 6th birthday a pair of the sparkliest, shiniest, light-up shoes you'll ever see and...they have laces.  So in classic E 'go-get-'em spirit she sat down on the stairs and with very little coaching from me pulled it off.  Good job Babe!


  1. Wow! Fancy shoes, El! Great job learning to tie- Noah and Ezra are STILL kind of rusty (thanks to mostly wearing slip ons)

  2. those shoes are awesome!
    way to go, el! :)
