Friday, August 14, 2009

2 Month Check-Up

There's nothing more encouraging than walking out of your child's well-exam after they've pretty much just gotten done patting you on the head saying "Your child is healthy, you're doing a good job."

He does, though, have a mild case of torticollis for which we'll possibly be seeing a specialist; he was a big guy in the womb and it caused his little head to bend over to the right. His muscles are tight and we've been working to loosen them up (tummy time, extra support in his carseat, and gentle stretching etc.) but would like to get some other ideas.
Current Stat's are:
weight - 16lbs. - 98%
height - 25 3/4" - 97%
head circumfrance - 17" - 96%


  1. Is he going to go to a PT or are they're things you'll do at home?

    I need more N time!!

  2. so glad you found a doctor you like ! :) by the way, i have heard of some chiropractors that can help with that too.

  3. Ack! Look how I spelled there? What was I thinking?

  4. yes, we were recommended a pediatric chiropractor for some alternative therapies, his case is really really mild, he can turn his head and tilt from side to side, he just favors resting it to the right. we've turned his changing table and bath tub so he looks toward us and we're using a soft ball for his carseat to prop his lil' noggin up while we're in the car. i'm not too concerned about it, but thankful to jen for bringing it up and also that this new pediatrician's office is so so great!

  5. That boy looks like his daddy. Too precious!
