Saturday, January 17, 2009

Yard Work

The last month or so of rain, snow and wind has left our yard in total disarray. The pine needles have almost completely blanketed our lawn, a gi-normous branch snapped off with the weight of the snow, and pine cones and moldy leaves are in a ferocious number! It's been bothering me since we returned from our long vacation and today's the day I will be able to again look at our property with a little pride; as much as you possibly can in this dead and wet time of the year (I almost wish we had a bit of a snow blanket to cover the mess).

Now that D's record is pretty much wrapped up I can finally put him to work around the house, E's the perfect age to really help out, and I can safely say that my energy level has returned and my back is feeling better.

We trimmed, chopped, raked, hauled, mowed and piled and I'm beginning to feel a bit of relief from all our hard work. We still have plenty to do, but it's a start.

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