Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Kids, Kids, everywhere

I never really thought I'd get to the place where I was counting down the days until school started up again. I listen to my friends that have older kids that are going crazy with their 24/7 relationships with their children in the summer and I can't yet relate. I don't have any school aged children to get rid of, yet. And El loves it because what would normally be a mommy coffee date that she has to tag along for, summertime makes it a play date with her best buds.

We live 2 blocks from a school, and the sweet silence of my days without the school buses lumbering past morning to night was welcomed. But the kids! They are starting to get on my nerves. They're everywhere; milling around the streets with nothing to do, noisily chatting on their cell phones in the grocery stores, racing up and down my street at all hours of the night yelling out of their windows and screeching the tires on their mom's SUV's. I'm so annoyed.

I have officially become a crotchety old lady, who rolls her eyes at the scantly clad youth whilst watering my hydrangeas.

14 days and counting...


  1. that last sentence with the, "crotchety old lady" made me laugh out loud this morning! can't wait to see you very very soon!!

  2. hahaha...
    welcome to the club!
    i hope i'm not rubbing off on you, no no! no crotchety old ann for me!
