One such box housed a pile of old purses, gloves, and scarves from a decade ago. I flipped through old wallets finding library cards and receipts, tubes of crusty chap stick were tumbling around the bottom of long forgotten shoulder bags, and ID's and ancient photo's of D and me in our younger years smashed and yellowed tucked inside.
Most of it went in the trash or in our mountain of donations to the thrift store. I did find an old colorful purse I must have bought at Folklife or something years and years ago that I knew E would love. She immediately filled it with her precious items and carry's it around very seriously. The other day she called me in to examine the all important contents of her purse:
- Hello Kitty sunglasses
- a tissue pack
- change purse
- 2 mini jars of nail polish
- 2 hair ties
- a tube of Lip Smackers' Strawberry Snowflake chapstick
- a glitter superball

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