Alright, I'll admit it; I'm not a fan of little girls pretending to be princesses, only agreeing to wear pink & purple, PJ's with Disney characters, and talking about fairies & unicorns. It's just not my speed. I avoided dressing E in pink at first, until I was so tired of passers' by referring to my infant as 'him' and 'he.' It's, I feel a similar aversion that the mom's of boys feel when they start making shooting sounds cocking their fingers in weapon shapes. Although I realize that what my daughter would be imitating is almost the exact opposite of a little Rambo, it's silly I know. Furthermore, I admit there are loopholes in my stronghold. Ballet, for instance. I jumped at the chance to see my little girl follow in my footsteps; starting dance at 3. Although, I would argue that my intentions were to instill discipline, giving her opportunity to explore one of the various facets of dance and movement that she adores. On top of all that, I know that pretend with imagination is crucial to development and the last thing I want to do is stifle her but I'm really struggling with this princess stuff, I can't shake it.

She was recently invited to
a party where all the children dressed up as fairies, they all wrote a story about their adventures, played fairy games, painted their faces and made their own fairy wands. I cringed a little, not wanting my well-balanced little dinosaur lover to turn prissy. To be fair she had a blast, was by far the most eager to participate in the story time, but has since asked repeatedly to sleep with her wand. My friends warned me that these days were approaching, clearly I'm not ready to play along:
(this evening, 2 days after the party)
E - "Mom I want to tap you on the nose and turn you into something!"
me - "Alright. (leaning over)"
she gently taps me on the nose once and I start standing up
E - "No, I need to tap you twice!"
me - "Oh, ok" (I bend again)
E - "What did you turn into?"
me - "Um, a seahorse" (and I start to bob up and down holding my breath)
E - "Ok, I'm going to turn myself into a princess" (there's that word!)
me - "I'm not going to call you that" (what
is wrong with me?)
E - "Ok, then I'll be a fairy who helps rainbows."
Serves me right.